The December 18, 2012 meeting was called to order by President Jim Kumbier at 7:30 pm at the Oshkosh Lanes. The Secretary’s report was read and accepted. The Treasurer’s report was read and accepted with the following balances: WCSA Checking Acct. $5,880.57, Grooming Fund Savings $626.43, WCSA Savings Acct. $6,703.07, Certificate $10,618.43 and Passbook Savings $25.15.
Nothing new to report.
Hopefully all trails are marked and groomers are ready to go…. Trails will be opened and closed per zones this year as indicated on the maps.
New Maps are in, if you didn’t pick up any last month, please get some after the meeting. Please get the new maps and map boxes out as soon as possible.
The new website is up, the address is
Remember that all bills should be mailed or faxed into the Parks Dept. this year instead of emailing them. Also remember to get a copy of your club insurance certificate mailed into the Parks Dept.
Opening and Closing of Trails – Jim will be in contact with the Trail Bosses when determining if the trails should be open or closed. Please make sure to get the trail closed bags out when the trails are closed. Jim will check into getting more of them made.
The Parks Dept. only had one club turn in a bill for the grading and disking so far, please get them turned in as soon as possible.
A suggestion was made that all clubs should be providing contact information to their landowners in case they have any questions or concerns.
A motion was made and accepted to have Matt check into getting 10 more map boxes made up.
The AWSC Convention will be held in La Crosse, WI on March 22-24, 2013.
Our next meeting will be on January 22, 2013.
Cruising Paths, Drifters, Omro Driftbusters, Sno-Scats, Sno-Pioneers, Poyganaire’s, Waukau and Wolff’s Pack
Respectfully Submitted
Connie Meuler
In Winnebago County, there are approximately 186 miles of snowmobile trails and over 6,600 registered snowmobiles. The Winnebago County Snowmobile Alliance (WCSA) represents the 12 snowmobile clubs throughout the county that maintain those trails.
Sign up for our newsetter for upcoming meetings, events and (coming soon) trail status updates!