January 2016 Alliance Minutes
The Jan 26, 2016 meeting was called to order by President: Dwight Mason at 7:35 PM at REV’s Bowl Bar and Grill. The December 2015 minutes were read and accepted.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s report was read and accepted.
Please attend an Alliance meeting to see a copy of the Treasurer’s Report.
Director’s Report:
The County Parks Department has paid out all billing from our first checks for this winter season. Please contact them if you have not yet received your check.
Winnebago County AWSC Director, Mike Giese made a formal request in the meeting that all of the trail bosses for each club contact him directly regarding requests for opening and closing trails in the county. Mike wants a united front representing the needs of all the clubs and a single call from him to the County Parks Dept to update the snowmobile hotline. Mike did ask for all of the trail boss contact information at the meeting and wanted to remind trail bosses that he expects them to call him before changes to the hotline will be made.
Directors Mtg update: Mike was unable to attend the last Directors meeting but he did have some notes to share with the Alliance. The AWSC is currently 2 to 3 weeks behind, processing trail pass permits for new club members. Processing times were very quick up until Christmas, however, with the recent snowfall across the state, their office has been hit with as many as 800 requests per day for reduced rate trail passes. Please remember that you cannot operate with a receipt for the $10 pass, however, you can purchase the full price $30 trail pass and utilize your receipt as purchase proof on the trail.
The AWSC also discussed the topic of broken windshields and trail pass loss. If you lost your pass due to a broken windshield, you need to bring in the broken windshield to a DNR service center. If you lost your windshield, you need to bring in a receipt showing you purchased a new windshield in order to get a trail pass replacement from the DNR.
The AWSC has hired a PR firm and has created some 30 second commercials to better inform the public about the new trail pass requirements. The office also requested that clubs limit their roster changes to one per week.
Trail and Grooming Report
At the time of the meeting, Zones 1, 2, 4 and 5 were open. The Poyganaire’s blew the engine in their Tucker groomer and Zone 3 had not been opened yet. One of the Poyganaire’s marsh routes had not been defined through the cat tails. The Borth club came through the following morning and helped cut a path through the marsh so Zone 3 was opened by noon on the day following the Alliance meeting. All grooming clubs were either already out grooming or had plans to groom by Thursday night in advance of the weekend.
Clubs were reminded to get their Map Boxes out to their local trail side stops and provide maps for our advertising business partners.
Old Business
There was no old business this month.
New Business
Earlier in the week before the mtg, it was brought to the attention of the Alliance that a private individual was interested in purchasing another drag and possibly grooming more of the trails in the Southern half of the county. Unfortunately, this person was unable to attend the meeting in person to discuss this opportunity.
There was much discussion surrounding this topic and the Sno Pioneers expressed concerns regarding the lack of communication surrounding this issue. The Sno Pioneers have worked very hard over the last few years to raise funds and increase their grooming equipment to better support the Southern clubs grooming needs. Less than a month after purchasing a CAT challenger tractor, they were disappointed to hear that their services may no longer be required. The Sno Pioneers had been planning to purchase another drag themselves so they could strategically locate grooming equipment around the county to maximize their grooming potential. This purchase will be put on hold until a final decision is made regarding next year’s grooming contracts.
During the discusion, Jim Kumbier stated that the private individual looking to groom was receiving complaints from people about grooming. When asked, Jim only mentioned Springbrook, who was not in attendance at the meeting. Mike Giese asked the attendees which clubs the Sno Pioneers did grooming for. The response was Snow-Scats, Waukau, Omro, Springbrook and Fond-du-lac County. Snow-Scats, Waukau and Omro were in attendance. When asked by Mike if any of the clubs in attendance had any complaints regarding grooming by the Sno Pioneers. None of the clubs in attendance had any complaints of the grooming that the Snow Pioneers have done in the past. Springbrook and Fond-Du-Lac County were not in attendance to reply.
Matt Eiden from the Omro club also expressed concern that a private party for profit is now asking to groom the majority of the Southern half of the county and none of the funds would be going back into the clubs that support the county trails system. These are trails that are currently being groomed by a long standing snowmobile club.
The topic was tabled until next month with hopes that the Springbrook club can be in attendance to have a more complete discussion on the topic.
AWSC Director and Representative Elections
Jim Kumbier made a motion to nominate and re-elect Mike Giese as County Director and Mike Thoma as County Representative to another term. Mark Kopplin seconded and all approved.
8:40 PM, motion to adjourn the meeting was seconded and approved.
Clubs Attending: Sno-Pioneers, Wolfrunners, Wolff’s Pack, Omro Driftbusters, Drifters, Poyganaires, Cruising Paths, Berlin River Riders, Waukau Driftskippers, Sno-Scats,
Respectfully Submitted,
Jason Ollanketo
In Winnebago County, there are approximately 186 miles of snowmobile trails and over 6,600 registered snowmobiles. The Winnebago County Snowmobile Alliance (WCSA) represents the 12 snowmobile clubs throughout the county that maintain those trails.
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