Nov 25, 2014 – Oshkosh Lanes
The Nov 25, 2014 meeting was called to order by President Jim Kumbier at 7:38 PM at Oshkosh Lanes. The Oct 2014 minutes were read and accepted.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s report was read and accepted with the following balances.
Checking $ 9,258.84
Savings Account $ 7,344.11
Certificate CD $ 10,756.82
Passbook Savings $ 25.15
Total $ 27,384.92
Directors Report
Mike Giese reported on numerous topics from the Directors meeting that was held in Wisconsin Dells. The AWSC now has an online roster system and you can make your payments directly on the website with a credit card. You will be required to register on the website in order to access the new functionality.
Supplemental funding will be paid out at 64% of submitted bills for last season. 50% has already been paid out. An additional 14% of submitted bills will be paid out by the county.
Mike mentioned that the AWSC discussed the importance of having intersection number signs posted on the trail. He also recommended that the local clubs provide trail maps to the first responders (fire departments) in their areas and make sure they are educated as to how to read our map.
It was reported that KAOS (Kids and Adults on Sleds) are having a group ride in Lakewood, WI. Feb 13-15th. The KAOS team is also looking for volunteer projects where they can assist local clubs around the state.
Mike also reported that with the new Wisconsin Trail Pass Law, Wisconsin Snowmobile clubs will need to have a minimum of 10 members to be recognized by the state. This is an effort to discourage groups of people from attempting to form their “own” snowmobile club just to get trail pass discounts.
Trail and Grooming Report
There are still a lot of crops out in the fields. Clubs are encouraged to work with their local landowners to develop trail re-routes and do their best to smooth out rough terrain for the trails this season.
Old Business
Web Site: Jason reported that the website calendar is having issues. He will work to correct this problem.
Maps: Mike Thoma brought half of the printed maps to the meeting. Each club collected some maps for their local establishments. Jim Kumbier said that he would bring map boxes to be distributed at the next meeting. Jason needs a digital copy of this map to update the website.
Sign Orders: Mike Giese brought all the club sign orders to the meeting to be distributed. If you still need your signs, please contact Mike Giese.
New Business
Mike Giese reported on the AWSC Cash raffle for the 2014-2015 winter season. This year they are doing a cash raffle and selling 450 tickets at the price of $100 each. Prizes are as follows: 1st prize = $10,000, 2nd = $2,500, 3rd = $1,000, 4th = Yellowstone Vacation pkg, 5th = Eagle River Vacation pkg.
Mike Thoma made a motion for the WCSA to purchase 1 of these tickets for $100. Scott Johnson seconded and all approved. Mike Giese has additional tickets to sell if anyone is interested.
Scott and Teri Johnson discussed that the Winneconne chamber of commerce was asking if the WCSA wanted to purchase an ad in their flyer to post our county map. The group discussed this topic and decided not to pursue this activity.
8:16 PM, motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded – unanimously approved.
As a reminder, the next WCSA meeting will be on December 16th due to the timing of Christmas this year.
Clubs Attending: Sno-Scats, Wolff’s Pack, Wolfrunners, Omro Driftbusters, Sno-Pioneers, Drifters, Poyganaires.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jason Ollanketo
In Winnebago County, there are approximately 186 miles of snowmobile trails and over 6,600 registered snowmobiles. The Winnebago County Snowmobile Alliance (WCSA) represents the 12 snowmobile clubs throughout the county that maintain those trails.
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