The Oct 28, 2014 meeting was called to order by President Jim Kumbier at 7:36 PM at Oshkosh Lanes. The Sept 2014 minutes were read and accepted.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s report was read and accepted with the following balances.
Checking $ 7,627.63
Savings Account $ 7,344.11
Certificate CD $ 10,756.82
Passbook Savings $ 25.15
Total $ 25,753.71
Directors Report
Mike Giese reported on the upcoming AWSC workshop that will be held at the Chula Vista Resort in Wisconsin Dells from Oct 31-Nov 2. There will be numerous sessions held at the event to discuss changes relating the Wisconsin Trail Pass law. Mike will be able to give the Alliance updates on this topic at the next meeting.
Trail and Grooming Report
The Parks Dept has sent out the first supplemental checks for 50% of the requested funds. Each club is encouraged to cash these checks as soon as possible. This may be a tough year to get discing done as many crops are still in the field and may not be taken off until after the ground freezes. Please work with your local landowners In preparation for the winter season.
Old Business
Web Site: Jason can post pictures or snowmobile club content to the WCSA website. Please verify that your meeting schedules are correct and get any updated club membership applications out to Jason if you need changes made for the 2014-2015 season.
We received a check from the County Fair Board for $44.70 for bartending this year.
Grooming Contracts: Every club should have received their grooming contracts. Please make sure that these have been signed and turned into the county. Also please make sure to provide the parks department with a list of your current officers and contact information. An officer’s page was included in each groomer packet.
Map Ads: Mike Thoma collected the remainder of the map ads from participating clubs. Map ads are now closed. The map ad committee will be reorganizing the ads on our new map and will be sending it out for print in the near future. Please make sure that any trail route changes are passed along before the new maps are printed for the next two seasons.
Sign Orders: Mike Giese led a sign order discussion. Every club has different requirements for signs and the deadlines to submit sign orders have not been followed very well in the past. This year the county will be processing a sign order. However, next year, each club will be responsible for ordering their own signs and can submit their bills to be reimbursed. The Alliance officers can be utilized as a resource to answer questions regarding recommended sign vendors.
Grooming Cap discussion
Discussions regarding setting a payment cap for grooming and discing during the snowmobile season resumed at this months meeting. The motion for a $220/mile funding limit that was tabled at the September mtg, was voted on and turned down, to open the floor for new discussions. Mike Giese mentioned that it costs the county up to $25 for each check that they write during the year and that the Parks Department was interested In sending fewer checks to save on administrative costs.
Mike Giese made a motion to pay out only two checks during the discing and grooming season. The first check would cover up to $30/mile for signing and marking and any discing or grooming bills through Dec 31st of that given year. This check would be mailed In January. The 2nd check would be mailed at the end of the grooming season once all the bills were submitted. Kirk Ecklund seconded this motion and everyone approved.
Congratulations to all the members of the Alliance who worked together to pass this motion. It will be important for clubs to get their bills submitted in early January to get their first check. The acceptance of a two check payout will allow equal access of the overall $250/mile to every club in the county before the bills go into supplemental funding.
New Business
Jim Kumbier mentioned that it was important for each club to have a current list of club officers on file with both the Parks Department and the Alliance to ensure for proper correspondence in the future.
8:37 PM, motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded – unanimously approved.
Clubs Attending: Sno-Scats, Wolff’s Pack, Wolfrunners, Omro Driftbusters, Sno-Pioneers, Drifters, Berlin River Riders, Poyganaires, Cruising Paths
Respectfully Submitted,
Jason Ollanketo
WCSA Secretary
In Winnebago County, there are approximately 186 miles of snowmobile trails and over 6,600 registered snowmobiles. The Winnebago County Snowmobile Alliance (WCSA) represents the 12 snowmobile clubs throughout the county that maintain those trails.
Sign up for our newsetter for upcoming meetings, events and (coming soon) trail status updates!